Roofing contractors can save time, waste and money by choosing the right sealants and adhesives for the job, explains Scarlet McAleese-Banks, marketing director of Hilton Banks.
Choosing the right sealant and adhesive is important for any roofing professional. While having the strength and flexibility you can trust to get the job done, the products’ environmental impact must be considered. This can prove to be an advantage when working at height, as less waste means less material to store and remove at the end of the day.
It’s for this reason and more that ‘all-in-one’ sealants, which save time, cost and waste are becoming increasingly popular within the trade.
When it comes to repairing roofing membranes and guttering, there are many jobs that can be done with ‘all-in-one’ sealants and adhesives, such at the HB42 Ultimate Waterproofer.
This type of product is ideal for repairs to roofs, around chimneys, roof domes and gutter sealing, and can also be applied to prevent wood rotting and metal corrosion.
The waterproofer is multipurpose, so it can also be used in tanking applications, for sealing floors, fixings, plasterboard, wood and walls, and shower trays too. It can also be used as a tile adhesive, can seal concrete foundations, balconies, and can be used on stone, metal and polystyrene foam.
You can apply the product straight from the tub with a brush, trowel, or squeegee without mixing, so you don’t need to take any extra equipment with you when working at height.
Sealants like this are waterproof straight away, very flexible and cure very quickly. You can also apply it in damp conditions too, allowing you to fix leaks and seals.
It is reported that CO2 emissions from the UK construction industry saw an overall increase from 8.9 million metric tonnes in 1990 to 13 million metric tonnes in 2017. This amounts to approximately 3% of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the UK for that year.
Behind this staggering figure also lies a myriad of waste and pollution issues, which need to be tackled. Some 23% of the total plastic consumed in the UK comes from construction, with 20,000 tonnes of plastic being sent to landfill every year. It is estimated that over 2 million single use plastic cartridges are put into landfill every week in the UK.
There is little doubt that the construction sector and its product suppliers need to act. We found that 87% of small- to medium-sized tradespeople said sustainability and the environmental impact of construction work is an important issue for them, and 97% believe the industry could be less wasteful in terms of packaging.
With the impact on the environment in mind, Hilton Banks has launched its HB42 All-in-One Sealant and Adhesive in 400ml foils. HB42 ‘Eco-Foil’ removes the problem of disposing of the single use plastic cartridge normally associated with sealants and other similar products.
Business strategy
For roofing contractors, moving away from single-use plastics and switching to foils can be a strategic, socially responsible and financially sensible business decision.
According to a 2019 survey from Hotwire, 47% of internet users worldwide said they had switched to different products or services because a company violated their personal values. Being able to tell your more increasingly environmentally conscious customers that you are cutting waste and using sustainable products can win you business and set you apart from the competition.
The 400ml foils produce 95% less waste than the single use tubes, and users get 38% more sealant than in the 290ml plastic tube. Using the latest MS Polymer technology, the product seals, sticks and fills, is flexible up to 230%, can be over-painted, and works in the wet. It is low in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and bonds to almost anything; it is also food safe and fully cures in 24 hours.
The foils are durable and foil guns are easy-to-use, while remaining clean throughout their use. They also take a plastic sealant cartridge, so can be used with every type of sealant if required.
At the end of their life, the waste left over from foils is tiny compared to the plastic tubes, and the foils are much easier to dispose of. The amount of skip space or waste disposal is also greatly reduced.
Cutting single-use plastics is easier and cheaper than, for instance, choosing an electric van as your next trade vehicle or putting solar panels on your home, but just as important for our future.