Dryseal’s dependable detailing on show

danelowHambleside Danelaw will be displaying its component based GRP roofing system, Dryseal at Ecobuild, which it says is an ideal roofing solution due to its durability and environmental qualities.

The company says Dryseal combines premium quality and environmental features to provide a superior roofing solution for commercial, domestic and heritage projects. It is compatible with grey water harvesting systems and can be used for green roof waterproofing without the need for a root barrier. Furthermore, the material can be refurbished in-situ, removing landfill costs and further extending the life of the roof.

The premium roofing solution is fully recyclable and is non-pollutant once installed. Secured by Design – a UK police initiative supporting ?designing out crime’ – recommends Dryseal as an alternative to sheet metals, as it has no scrap value and acts as a deterrent to thieves. Additionally, Dryseal attracts a BREEAM point via Secured by Design.

Dryseal has a 20-year insurance backed extendable guarantee, high puncture resistance and BBA ?zero falls’ accreditation. The component-based system is manufactured entirely in the UK by Hambleside Danelaw and is fitted by a fully trained Approved Contractor network.

Dryseal Approved Contractors can install ECO and Green Deal measures via Competent Roofer and PAS 2030 certification.

Stand: N4030


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