Political figures to lead Ecobuild seminar programme

daveyEnergy and climate change minister Ed Davey will lead the conference programme at Ecobuild 2015, with a host of industry and Westminster speakers set to join him.

Alongside Mr. Davey at the event will be Natalie Bennett, head of the Green Party; Lord John Prescott, former deputy prime minister and UK negotiator for the Kyoto Protocol on climate change; and Alistair Campbell, former British PM spokesman.

Housed within two arenas in the heart of the event – sponsored by Skanska and Lend Lease – the conference will include a cross-party political discussion around the future of the sustainable built environment. The full Ecobuild politician line-up will be publicised nearer the event.

Other names set to speak at Ecobuild are:

–    John Alker, director of policy and communications at the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)

–    Peter Hansford, government chief construction adviser for the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

–    Dr. Joanne Wade, director of the Association for the Conservation of Energy

–    James Wates CBE, chair of Wates Group, CITB and UK Contractors Group

–    Julie Hirigoyen, head of sustainability at JLL and incoming chief executive UKGBC

Also among the seminar programme, a discussion on innovation will explore if new techniques and materials can help meet the carbon reduction targets of the Government’s 2025 Industrial Strategy for Construction.

The second day of Ecobuild will see industry figures discuss which political party is most likely to help drive a greener property sector after the election, while investigation of occupier wellbeing in the property market and the costs of zero carbon homes will also be explored.

For further information about Ecobuild’s conference programme and to book your complimentary ticket to the three-day event, please visit:


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