Science flagship protected

Willmott Dixon has refurbished the existing building on the University of Chester’s Thornton Science Park to create a new, £multi-million Intelligent Energy System Demonstrator (IESD).

The project includes upgrading the five-storey building’s roof. Sub-contractor Range Roofing has used Protan single ply polymer membrane, secured using a combination of traditional mechanical fix systems and the innovative SFS intec isoweld 3000 system. In total, Range used 1200m² of Protan SE1.6mm, supplied in 2m wide rolls.

Range Roofing’s Nick Haves commented: “The main plan area is timber, so we could use traditional mechanical fixing techniques; the other element is a concrete slab overlaid with infill material, plus over the years there have been several lots of repairs undertaken. As a result the thickness varies massively across the roof, up to 500mm in places! It also had a variety of fall across its span, and screed. We therefore needed a method that delivered optimum adjustability, hence our choice of isoweld.”

“Protan’s ability to provide wider material was a big benefit too, giving us greater flexibility in our positioning of the fixings, not necessarily at close centres, yet still ensure the roof would perform. It also offers environmental benefits, which complimented the end-use of the building.”

Due for completion in Spring 2017, the IESD will deliver a space where industry can work alongside the University of Chester’s Faculty of Science and Engineering, to test at scale new power saving and distribution technologies for low-cost, environmentally responsible energy sources. It is being funded by the Growth Deal awarded to Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership.

Protan SE, available in 1.2mm, 1.6mm and 1.8mm, is developed to cope with even the most extreme weather conditions without detriment: it is certified to ≤ -30°. Hot-air welded at joints and mechanically fixed to the roof, the membrane achieves durability in excess of 30 years, with air leakage controlled/minimised in line with latest Building Regulations. It has been proven to perform with the SFS intec isoweld 3000 field fastening system solution for flat roofs. isoweld works with induction technology and is non-penetrating. Secure attachment is achieved through the welding of the membrane to a dedicated stress plate, independent of the membrane overlaps.

Protan SE membrane is under the Green Guide, accredited with achieving an A+ rating. The single ply membrane is just part of Protan’s quality offering, which includes green and protected roofing solutions, all fully BBA certified.

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