BMF backs National Retrofit Hub

The Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) is one of the founder supporters backing the National Retrofit Hub (NRH).

The NRH is a new industry-wide initiative to stimulate action to upgrade UK housing stock and promote best practice amongst builders repairing and upgrading older homes.

As well as helping to fund core running costs, the BMF will play an active role in NRH working groups, collaborating with other retrofit stakeholders to identify overlaps and gaps in activity, as well as facilitating access to and dissemination of knowledge to enable the application of best practice.

John Newcomb, CEO of the BMF, said: “Soaring energy bills have focused attention on insulating the nation’s existing homes, which in terms of energy efficiency are amongst the worst in Europe. The BMF has consistently advocated a  “fabric-first, services second” approach to upgrade them and our supply chain is already providing the materials, products and solutions required to do so.

“Now with over 40 construction industry organisations coming together to support the NRH, there is real impetus to drive forward the proposals defined in the Construction Leadership Council’s National Retrofit Strategy for a 20-year programme of work to upgrade 29 million UK homes making them warmer, greener, and cheaper to run.”

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