Workers offered baby wipes as protection from asbestos
Suffolk firm fined after it was found that workers were left vulnerable while illegally removing asbestos insulation board
Government law to boost energy efficiency of private rented homes
Landlords will be required to raise EPC levels to Band E in April 2018 under new Government rules
Women to make up a quarter of construction workforce by 2020
New findings show 10% increase in number of women in the industry over the last decade, with more expected to join
House of Lords members oppose deregulation of health and safety rules
Peers claim plans to allow certain self-employed workers to be exempt from laws could "cause dangerous confusion" and increase risks
Winter weather boosts demand for Martin-Brooks
Small repairs keep Sheffield firm busy as high winds and snow cause damage across the region
Balfour Beatty begins to respond to KPMG report with branch closure
Nottingham office to close after review finds inherent problems with company's operational performance
Saint-Gobain runs into brick wall of Sika support
European deal continues to intensify as Sika's board draws support from 40% of share capital as family owners' privileges are removed
?Skills time bomb is ticking’ says FMB
State of Trade Survey finds over 30% of firms have difficulty recruiting roofers as workloads increase
Roofing Racers smash 2014 target
Roofing, roofline and window industries' team raises œ62,000 for two UK charities
Companies urged to comply with new CE marking regulations
Certification firm BM TRADA warns of Trading Standards investigations that could result in companies being barred from trading