SIG Roofing passes Merchant and Distributor CCPI assessment

SIG Roofing has become one of the first merchants to pass the Code for Construction Product Information (CCPI) Assessment for Merchants and Distributors.

The CCPI aims to encourage greater product information accuracy so that everyone in the supply chain can make more informed decisions about product selection. The codes were built around five tests around clear, accurate, up-to-date, accessible, and unambiguous product information. The ultimate goal is for clients, specifiers, and users to insist on working only with Manufacturers, Merchants and Distributors that follow the CCPI guidelines

There are three separate codes. One for Manufacturers addressing the responsibility of product information, specifically relating to the assessment of product information on products.

Another for Supporters which includes clients, major house builders, and Tier One Contractors who are driving the CCPI through their supply chains and one for Merchants and Distributors.

And the latter focuses specifically on the company’s systems and processes as a conduit for product information. This includes requirements for creating and reproducing product information along with an emphasis on accurate representation.

The assessment for SIG Roofing came as part of a full-scale assessment of the overall SIG UK Merchant and Distribution businesses. It was based on a four-clause Code of the CCPI, explicitly designed for Merchants & Distributors.

Clauses 1-3 outline the merchant’s responsibility to reproduce and update the manufacturer’s product information, ensuring the data remains clear, current, and accurate to its original interpretation. Clause 4 addresses the merchant’s responsibility for the competency of individuals in these roles, with the condition that a full training programme is in place.

Assessment against the CCPI Merchants and Distributors Code version provides confirmation that the organisation has been assessed to have the necessary product information processes and systems in place to uphold the CCPI. It also assesses their ability to adhere to the clauses diligently, and proactively promote and support the adoption of the Code with their suppliers.

Commenting on the overall assessment, Steve Marr, compliance director at SIG UK, said: “We are delighted to be the first to have passed the Merchants and Distributors CCPI assessment. We support the need for accurate product information and recognise the importance of the CCPI in raising industry standards. We hope more merchants and distributors will follow suit as this will strengthen the reputation of the CCPI and increase customer confidence in the market.”

Chris Lodge, managing director of SIG Roofing, added: “The whole business has worked hard to put processes and training in place to pass this assessment. It’s a great initiative that will increase customer confidence in the product information we supply. CCPI is now part of the SIG Roofing Continuous Improvement plan to ensure we retain this standard as a business.”

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