Engineers from a leading water company reported that they occasionally felt an electric shock when undertaking routine maintenance work on sewerage tanks. This highlighted a significant potential risk as the contents of the tanks are vented to release flammable gases.
The company quickly investigated and discovered the cause: a build up of static was occurring when operators wearing rubber boots walked across the roofs of the metal tanks, as they had been painted with a non-conductive coating.
The organisation approached Delvemade to find out if they had a coating that could effectively protect the tank and help dissipate the static build up.
Delvemade had no such product in its range, so turned to its sister company Itac to resolve the problem.
The result is a new product called Delcote ASC, which has been shown in tests to help prevent the build-up of static.
The demonstration shows the difference between a standard Delcote coating and the new material. The meter in the second picture records resistance between the electrical points and highlights the flow of electricity.