More homes, more efficient homes

Concrete Block Association kicks off the Modern Masonry ‘Better Built in Blockwork’ campaign by unveiling its U-value calculator and thermal bridging details

Creating the perfect acoustic ambience

Troldtekt ceiling panels have been specified for the Experimentarium museum in Hellerup, Denmark

New ROCKWOOL website offers personalised experience for users

ROCKWOOL has launched a new website which is powered by artificial intelligence

Ravatherm UK boosts eco-credentials of Polyfoam XPS

The insulation has achieved a VRE Certified Green Guide rating of A+.

Stormdry Safeguards thermal performance

With the new Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards which came into effect from April this year, Safeguard has launched Stormdry EPC to help improve energy efficiency

Icynene contractor catches the Dragon’s attention

Icynene contractor has won a business award

Kingspan TEK is light on its feet at safari park

The 250-acre landscaped park in Bewdley, Worcestershire has continued to increase its purpose-built space to meet the growing interest in animal conservation and study

Ecological Building Systems takes airtightness on tour

The seminar will tour five different locations in the UK

Living with quiet

This impressive house in Hong Kong features Troldekt acoustic ceiling tiles

Wraptite improves airtightness of student accommodation

The student accommodation scheme is based in Portsmouth