Band of Builders reflects on 2021

In this turbulent year regarding material shortages and changing prices having a detrimental effect on mental health, Band of Builders’ ‘Big Brew’ campaign has successfully raised £60,000 in addition to its other successful projects in 2021.

Suicide rates in the construction industry were already at one per day before the COVID pandemic, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures, and it’s widely accepted that these have worsened to closer to two per day.

The ‘Big Brew’ campaign took place throughout the month of October, holding more than 175 events.

Elsewhere, Band of Builders has exceeded in other areas of helping members of the industry. Throughout 2021, the charity has completed five projects, with 5,000 on-site hours volunteered on them, and now 12 have been confirmed for 2022, with seven being considered.

This year, Band of Builders has also seen a rise in partnership deals with industry brands, with merchants and supplier partners – including the likes of Jewson, Gibbs & Dandy, Resideo, DEWALT and Talasey – all donating materials that they could have otherwise sold ten times over.

The charity has also cemented partnerships with the likes of Regatta and V12, who has found innovative ways to support it, such as designing a new range of Band of Builders work boots.

The organisation now hopes to set its sights even higher in 2022, with hopes to organise BBQs, music nights and other events as a way of bringing together volunteers and partners regularly to increase the camaraderie of the community of supporters.

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