Labour MP visits Q-Bot Newport facility amid expansion plans

Ruth Jones MP visits QBot Newport.
Ruth Jones MP visits QBot Newport.

Ruth Jones, the Labour MP for Newport West & Islwyn and the newly appointed Chair of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee in the House of Commons, has visited insulation firm Q-Bot’s operations and training base in her constituency.

Ruth was shown how Q-Bot uses the latest technology to insulate homes and talked about how Q-Bot plans to expand its operations in Newport and across the UK, and by doing so support the UK and Welsh Government’s work to improve the quality of people’s homes.

Q-Bot opened its base in 2022 and now employs eight people, where it also trains its UK staff and its network of professional subcontractors.

Dan Lewis, Q-Bot’s operations manager for Wales and the South West, said: “We were delighted to meet Ruth so soon after her election as Chair of the Welsh Affairs Select Committee and have the opportunity to explain our work. We outlined our ambitions to grow our business and support the efforts by government, social landlords and energy companies to improve the insulation in homes across Wales and the rest of the UK. 

“There is a pressing need to improve the quality of the nation’s housing stock, both social and privately-owned.  Better insulation is vital in order to reduce people’s energy bills and at the same time reduce a home’s carbon emissions.

“We welcome the commitments made by the Wales and UK Governments on energy efficiency and insulation; through its Warm Homes Plan, the Labour Government plans to invest an extra £6.6 billion over the next five years in clean heat and energy efficiency, upgrading five million homes.”

Ruth Jones commented: “It was fascinating to see Q-Bot’s technology in action which is a great example of the innovation taking place in Newport West and Islwyn. Insulating homes means saving energy and lowering bills and I am pleased to hear about Q-Bot’s plans to ramp up operations in Rogerstone.

“It is our job to provide solid foundations for growth and long-term challenges, like raising the quality of our housing stock, require long-term commitments from government.”

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