NBP commits to consistent product pricing

Northern Building Plastics (NBP) has declared consistent product pricing across all four of its “Super Depots” in response to increasing inconsistent pricing practices in construction.

Steve Jones, sales director at NBP, explained: “We understand the frustration caused by fluctuating prices in our industry, and that is the driving force behind our guaranteed standard of transparency and consistency across all Northern Building Plastics depots [located in Birtley, Bolton, Hinckley and Leeds].

“We know that if customers purchase products at a higher price than what was initially quoted or previously supplied, it has a massive impact on their profit.

“Fluctuation in material costs can be the difference between making money and losing money on a job. By offering consistent competitive prices across all our Super Depots, we are providing our customers with peace of mind, and they know exactly what to expect when purchasing from any of our depots.”

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