Responsible Actors Scheme to come into force

Credit: AdobeStock/Kirill Gorlov
Credit: AdobeStock/Kirill Gorlov

The regulations to establish a Responsible Actors Scheme (RAS) for residential developers under the Building Safety Act has passed into law, meaning any developers who do not join the Scheme and comply with its conditions will have planning and building control prohibitions imposed on them.

The Scheme will recognise action taken by responsible developers to identify and remediate or pay to remediate life-critical fire safety defects in residential buildings 11m or more in height which they developed or refurbished in England during the 30 years prior to 5 April 2022.

To demonstrate that commitment, members of the Scheme will be required to enter into and comply with the terms of the developer remediation contract.

Eligible developers who do not enter into and comply with the terms of the developer remediation contract will not be able to join and remain in the Scheme, and will therefore be prohibited from carrying out major development and gaining building control sign-off.

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