Your rights when working in a heatwave

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The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has provided guidance on what your rights are at work during a heatwave just as the UK is set to experience some of the hottest days on record.

The HSE explained that employers must make sure indoor workplaces remain at a reasonable temperature (varying depending on workplace) and manage the risk of working outdoors in hot environments.

Heat is classed as a hazard and therefore comes with legal obligations like any other, despite there being no maximum temperature for workplaces. Therefore, workers are entitled to an environment where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled.

Workers should also take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions at work 

John Rowe, acting head of operational strategy at HSE, said: “With a heatwave warning in place, its vital employers are aware of their responsibility to ensure their indoor workplaces are at a reasonable temperature.  

“All workers have a right to a safe working environment and their employers should discuss working arrangements with them. 

“If workers have specific queries or concerns relating to health and safety in their workplace, they should talk to their employer.” 

>>Read more about working in the heat here.

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