RGB recognises long service of two employees

RGB Building Supplies has recognised two of its longest-serving employees both at its Porthleven branch, with a combined service of 85 years.

Lee Atkinson, who has been working for RGB for 40 years, originally joined when it was known as Hosking Building Supplies. Starting his journey in counter sales and within just 12 months, he rose to the role of branch manager and has continued in that position ever since.

Geoff Harry, another stalwart at the branch, has dedicated 45 years of service to the company. He is currently a yard sales assistant and has held various positions within RGB Porthleven during his long tenure.

Lee and Geoff have witnessed the transformation of the branch from Hosking Building Supplies to Wolesley, and finally, its acquisition by RGB Building Supplies in 2012.

Reflecting on his time at RGB, Lee said: “Every day, I continue to learn something new, and it’s been a privilege to work alongside such an incredible branch team. Some of our team members have been here for 25 and 35 years, and that speaks volumes about the sense of family and commitment that defines our workplace.”

Geoff has enjoyed working alongside the team at RGB Porthleven. He added: “Working with the Porthleven branch team every day has been a fantastic experience – there’s great camaraderie. It’s an honour to be part of a team that consistently delivers exceptional service to our customers.”

Jenny Naylor, managing director of RGB Building Supplies, personally recognised Lee and Geoff’s outstanding service by presenting them with flowers and bottles of Champagne.

She commented: “RGB continues to thrive due to the unwavering dedication of employees like Lee and Geoff. They have been the backbone of our Porthleven branch for decades, and I thank them for their hard work, which has contributed significantly to our success. They are part of an amazing team in Porthleven, and we are incredibly fortunate to have them as part of the RGB family.”

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