Build UK publishes guidance on upcoming Building Safety Act regulations

Build UK has published its Guide to Building Safety Regime to ensure businesses across the sector are aware of their responsibilities and support the delivery of buildings that are safe as October approaches with a raft of new regulations coming in.

The comprehensive guide endorsed by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) includes information on:

  • New bodies that will provide effective oversight of the new regime
  • New responsibilities for all those who design, build, own or manage Higher Risk Buildings
  • New systems designed to improve levels of competence and raise standards of building safety
  • Existing legislation which will be reformed
  • Other activities outside the scope of the Act but related to building safety.

Build UK has also published a timeline showing at a glance when the key changes are taking effect.

Karl Whiteman, CLC industry sponsor for building safety, said: “The new building safety regime represents the most significant change to industry regulation in a generation, and the CLC is pleased to endorse this guide from Build UK which provides an easy-to-read overview of what it means for businesses across the supply chain.

“We all have a part to play in delivering buildings that are safe, and I would encourage everyone to read the guide and consider the implications for your organisations.

Suzannah Nichol, Build UK chief executive and a member of the Building Advisory Committee, added: “We believe that helping the whole supply chain to see the bigger picture will make it easier for everyone to understand where they fit in and what their responsibilities are.

“No one company or organisation can do this alone. We talk a lot about collaboration and this really does need a combined effort from Team Construction.

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