Hitachi becomes HiKOKI

In November last year Hitachi president, Osami Maehara, said: “2017 has ushered an exciting, fresh start for our company. We have committed to accelerate growth alongside a dynamic new partner as we pursue our goal to become a global leader in power tools and life-science instruments. As part of this new chapter, I’m proud to announce that we will change our company name to Koki Holdings in June 2018. And, with great excitement, I’m thrilled to announce that effective October 2018, our current brand which has been familiar with “HITACHI” will become a new brand known as “HiKOKI”.”

He added: “Koki Holdings originated in Japan and has conscientiously pursued the path of manufacturing. Age-old Japanese wisdom has it that to accomplish something important, we must apply heart, technique and physical ability. We will now engage these essential elements of Japan’s cultural DNA as we pursue reliability, technology and growth in building a global organization, developing our businesses, and continuing to grow into a truly global company.”

The name change will be effective October 1, 2018.



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