Why is my house always so cold & how to fix it?

Credit: AdobeStock / kishivan
Credit: AdobeStock / kishivan

This article should help you to keep your home warm and prevent it from becoming too cold. You might even find that this helps you to save money in a time when the cost of energy is skyrocketing in the UK.

Does your house always feel cold? This can be incredibly frustrating as it can make the home uncomfortable, plus you might find that you end up spending a lot more on energy than you need to (which is hugely problematic right now). Keep reading for a few reasons why your house might always feel cold and what you can do about it.

Inefficient Heating System

Often, it is difficult to get the house warm because your heating system is inefficient. If you have your central heating on but the radiators are cold to touch or not as warm as they should be, then this can be a big issue. If all of your radiators have this issue, it is likely to be a problem with your boiler and you should get it checked out. If it is one radiator or a few, you could try bleeding and balancing the radiators. If this fails, you could invest in new radiators that will make it much easier and more efficient to keep your home warm.

Heat Does Not Circulate

Another reason why the home does not feel warm is that warm air does not circulate well throughout the house. You want to make sure that the warm air that is in the home spreads throughout and is kept so that you can keep the entire house warm. In order to do this, you can turn on ceiling fans to circulate warm air, keep doors open and use a zone heating system to maintain the temperature in different parts of the home.

Bad/No Insulation

Another common problem is bad or no insulation in the home. This will make it hard to keep the warm air in and the cold air out, which will also put greater strain on your central heating and cost money. Good insulation could save you a few hundred pounds each year, reduce your environmental impact and make the home a lot more comfortable during the colder months. There are also a few types of insulation that can be effective, including loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and double glazing. Items like heavy curtains, carpets and thick rugs can also be helpful for retaining heat in the home.

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