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Solar industry lashes out against Government Feed-in Tariff proposals

Following the publication of new plans to cut the solar FiT by 87%, the solar industry has launched a parliamentary petition against the proposals, calling them “unnecessary, unjustifiable, unmanageable and ultimately destructive”

Ed Davey challenges George Osborne on green policy

Chancellor’s “bonkers economics” is putting the green agenda at risk says former energy minister

Marketing spend on Green Deal less than 3% of DECC’s energy...

RCI’s freedom of information request shows DECC spent around £6m on publicising the scheme over 26 months, with no efforts made between April 2015 and the Green Deal’s closure in July

New energy efficiency policy by the Autumn says Government

DECC is aiming to develop new measures in time for the upcoming spending review following the closure of the Green Deal

Breaking News: NIA calls on DECC to announce its intentions on...

Insulation association wants clarity on ECO post 2017 and GDHIF before Summer Recess