CCF installs HVO refuelling sites at branches

Insulation distributor CCF has introduced hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) refuelling sites at several of its branches across the country to provide part of its delivery fleet with a low carbon alternative to the use of diesel fuel.

The shift to a more sustainable fuel source is part of CCF’s commitment to decarbonise its deliveries to customers by steadily reducing the carbon footprint generated by its lorries by up to 92% when compared to the use of diesel.

The HVO used by CCF, which is sustainably sourced and made from waste materials such as used cooking oils and other waste oils, also has the potential to reduce other emissions, including nitrogen oxide by up to 30% and particulates by up to 85%, and requires no modification to existing diesel engines.

CCF has made the move to HVO fuel to support customers who are working on low carbon schemes or simply wish to reduce the embodied carbon within their supply chain.

The move also supports CCF’s growing involvement in the public sector where the distributor is working with main contractors and specialist contractors to deliver the decarbonisation ambitions of the government’s Net Zero strategy.

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