Tony Adams to speak on mental health at BMF All Industry...

Tony Adams will be guest speaking for the Mental Health Workshop, which is taking place at the BMF All-Industry Conference on 4-7 November, 2021.

New plans unveiled to ensure London meets housing targets

London Land Commission will identify brownfield sites suitable for development by any of the nine new Housing Zones

Offsite homes to address social housing shortfall, says Actis

The insulation specialist is on a mission to share the benefits of the speedier construction method over more ponderous alternatives.

Roofco enjoys record sales in bouyant safety market

The Sheffield-based rooftop safety specialist is on target to smash its annual financial projections by 40%.

Chandlers and Parkers merge, advancing their growth strategy

The new enlarged company has 37 branches operating from the Midlands to the south east, with combined revenues of £180 million and over 750 employees.

Vivalda launches anti-dust campaign

The supplier of cladding systems is urging contractors to adopt off-site fabrication to combat the scourge of dust inhalation.

BMF relaunches industry recruitment website

The website highlights the wide range of careers available both in merchant and supplier businesses

Selco invests in staff development with new initiative

The builders’ merchant is making a £500,000 investment in the development of its branch colleagues later in 2020 by inviting people working across its branches to enhance their careers through its ‘Rising Stars’ initiative.

Stay connected with SIG LIVE

The virtual conference, which will provide a company update for its customers, along with details about its new business strategy, will be held on Thursday 16 July, 2020 from 1.30pm.

Sundolitt UK invests in new expanded polystyrene insulation plant

Sundolitt UK is set to open a new manufacturing plant to produce and convert expanded polystyrene insulation products, after making a strategic decision to develop the company’s vision to be the leading expanded polystyrene manufacturer within the construction industry.