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Manufacturer training recognised by new LRWA initiative

The new Basic Competency Programme supports training and qualifications provided by an approved manufacturer in all roofing disciplines

Construction industry “returns to growth”

New report shows profits and production have increased, despite constraints caused by skills shortages

Industry must work together to tackle skills crisis says head of...

Adrian Belton addressed industry figures and Government officials at the Construction Industry Summit to call for cooperation in addressing skills shortages

Government aims to increase apprenticeships with new proposals

New package of measures include apprenticeship levy, changes to Government procurement and new industry standards outlining skills needed across several apprenticeships

CITB to launch new funding system for training

Current flexible funding streams to be cut from 40 to two, with a simplified system expected to offer a faster and more efficient application process for employers

Fresh warnings from business over apprenticeship reform

Government proposed levy on larger firms to create millions of new apprenticeships by 2020, but warnings emerge that it will do little to promote high quality training